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Audio Files

Learning how to do Bible Trekking is simple yet does require some patience and lots of practice. It is a fascinating process of unlearning some of our old habits while learning new ones that create highly engaged, eager participants. Bible Trekking brings the ageless stories of the Bible back to life in ways that all ages of people enjoy. Proven techniques not only enliven the stories and the participants, but also empower the participants to go out and share the stories with others.

Proven around the world, Bible Trekking will reignite your love for the Bible!






BUY IT NOW! Just $10!


Contact Us For More Information

1 Day Story Sharing and Vision Casting           $250 + Travel Exp*                      

Bible Trekking Staff* will present initial demonstration through live interactive experience, designed to give basic understanding. Participants will leave with just enough experience to want to learn to use this new tool!

  • Show you how to Trek INTO a Bible story as if you are really there!
  • Quickly teach you a system of fun, exploratory discovery 
  • Prove that the Bible is relevant for everything we face today
  • Share how this incredible tool is making a real difference for the Kingdom worldwide!
  • Cast a vision on how to implement Bible Trekking in your community.

 Full Weekend Training               $500 + Travel Exp*                      

Bible Trekking Staff* will present the initial training, then move into practical group work, where participants will develop hands on skills in various aspects of Bible Trekking. They will leave this training confident that they CAN DO THIS!


(Awarded upon successful demonstration of required skills.)

  • Teach you how to think about Worldview and why it is important
  • Offer guidance in how to select stories
  • Show you how to do in-depth preparation
  • Allow you to listen and then try various ways of leading
  • Teach you several ways to keep a group ‘on track’
  • Guide in discovery of ways to use Bible Trekking
  • Empower workers for the Harvest Fields

 Advanced Trainer Training         $750 + Travel Exp*                     

Bible Trekking Staff* will work diligently to infuse select Bible Trekkers to become Trainers of Story Tellers.


(Awarded upon successful demonstration of required skills.)

  • Train your chosen people to become not just proficient Bible Trekkers
  • Also to become successful ‘Trainers of Trainers’
  • Enabling them to hand off each skill they have learned
  • Techniques to corralling difficult personalities
  • Approaches for various learning styles
  • To empower others to empower others to empower others…2 Tim 2:2

Bible Trekking Staff / Travel Expenses* – The number of staff will be determined based upon expected attendance and staff availability.

